Greenwich Dance created ArtsUnboxed in order to revolutionise the way dance is created and shared. Let's unbox that...
Are you interested in submitting your own box?
Frequently Asked Questions
What's in a box?
Each ‘box’ will contain the full instructions to recreate the work. Tutorials, how-to’s, choreography, set and costume designs, education packs, marketing strategies, suggested performance schedules, easy read transcripts, audio description, covid-mitigation plans, risk assessments and evaluation tools are just some of the items that will be in each box. The boxes are designed for venues, festivals and organisations to purchase ready for presentation in their own settings, with their own local artists.
A suggested budget of on costs will be included in each box. Whilst the contents of the box will be all that is needed to reproduce the idea, artists may also suggest add ons to their boxes, such as Zoom calls with recruited local artists or initiation workshops. These will be priced separately.
How will it work?
Buyers will be able to download the boxes directly from the ArtsUnboxed website, having read and signed the license agreement beforehand. Once the recipe boxes are bought, they can be used for the next 12 months from point of purchase, in any way the buyer chooses: exactly as written or adapted for new and differing audiences and settings. They can be treated as inspiration off of which to leapfrog or word for word like an architect’s blueprint. With buyers encouraged to cast their bought ‘recipe’ with local dancers and deliver it with local producers and educators, the boxes offer a way of supporting local economy and artistry.
Who gets paid and how?
Once bought, 60% of the income is split between the artistic creators (who in turn may choose to attribute a proportion to their collaborators) and 40% will go to Greenwich Dance. For the artists this will be passive income and no additional work is required of them. Greenwich Dance’s share will be reinvested in the staffing and operational costs relating to the successful running of the platform. The buyer will then need to pay local artists, or use salaried artists to deliver the work.
What in the work/template can be altered?
Music, costumes, props, health & safety documentation to suit the locality needs. Risk assessments to suit the locality needs.
What is a license?
A license is permission via Greenwich Dance by the artist for use of the work/template for the agreed period of 12 months. You can download a sample version of the agreement to read in advance.
What is the agreed license period?
12 months, each time a purchase is made that buyer has a 12 month period to utilise the work/template
What is the transaction fee for?
The transaction fee is charged by our payment processing provider. By passing this charge on to you, we are ensuring that the artists get the most out of their work, and Greenwich Dance is able to keep the platform going.
Are there other costs involved?
Yes, the other costs involved will be: engaging a local artist to deliver the work/template, engaging the necessary supporting artists to deliver the work/template. These costs will be different depending on how you work. We have included some ballpark figures in the boxes to give you an idea of what you might need to cover.
What amount are the other costs?
This will vary project to project and each work/template has a suggested guide for all on costs involved.
Is it Covid compliant?
Yes, the work/template has been designed with health and safety and Covid Compliancy at the heart of the creation. All associated documentation templates are available within the box.
Who owns the Intellectual Property?
Intellectual Property of the works remains with the artists. However, by uploading to the site they recognise that any buyer will have a non-exclusive license to reproduce (with their chosen cast) and amend the work as they see fit within a specified time period. Greenwich Dance have negotiated a two-year exclusive licence with each of the original cohort with an option for artists to extend at the end of that period.
Whose work will be available to purchase?
Six initial commissions, funded by the Culture Recovery Fund, will launch ArtsUnboxed. However, the number of boxes available will increase in the following ways:
Uploaders: Organisations and artists will have the opportunity to submit recipes for consideration. Criteria for consideration will be created, published and a selection process communicated.
Mini-Commissions: Greenwich Dance will seek funds from Arts Council England to support up to two artists per year to turn existing work into a recipe. A small fee will be offered to cover the admin and any extra assets that might be needed such as tutorials or marketing.
Greenwich Dance work: ArtsUnboxed will sit centrally within Greenwich Dance’s mission and artistic programme. As such it will serve as a vehicle to share successful models of working that we use within our own community. Any new commission, or new project, will be considered for suitability and transformed into a recipe subject to artist consent.
What if I have not received my Share Point verification code?
Please check your spam folder. If you are still having difficulties, email us at info@greenwichdance.org.uk or use the Contact form on the website.