Accessibility on our website

We have built our website with inclusive design thinking. We have aimed to reach the W3C AAA web accessibility standard.


Our identity aims to make dance accessible through type, image and colour. Type has been tested for good contrast and legibility.

Font and text resizing

The fonts we use on this site are Poppins for headings and Inter for body copy. If you find the text size on this website too small or too large, you can change the size of the text using your browser. There are a number of ways to do this, the easiest way is to follow the following steps:

Increase text size:

PC – Hold down the CTRL key and press +
Mac – Hold down the Command key and press +

Decrease text size:

PC – Hold down the CTRL key and press CTRL key and press 0 will reset the text size.
Mac – Hold down the Command key and press –

It is also possible to increase the size of the text by holding down the CTRL key whilst using the scroll wheel on the mouse to increase (or decrease) the size of the text.


Users should be able to browse online however they want and with a device best suited to their needs. Menus are able to be controlled with a mouse, keyboard and screen readers.


This website has designed for modern browsers running on any device.


If you have any comments about our site which you feel improve the experience of our visitors, we would appreciate hearing it. Email with your feedback using the subject line ‘accessibility feedback’.